Organize YouTube content with channel sections

Feature changes for customizing your YouTube channel

Translated channel sections and vertical section layout will be discontinued July 15, 2020. We’re also redesigning featured channels to increase visibility on mobile. These features were rarely used and we’re removing them to simplify your experience, as well as focus on bringing channel customization to YouTube Studio later this year. Learn more.

You can organize and promote content that you want to highlight on your channel using YouTube channel sections. A section lets you group videos together to help your audience decide what to watch. You can have up to 10 sections on one channel.

Manage YouTube sections on your channel

Create a YouTube section

Before you start: To set up channel sections, you have to first turn on channel customization for the YouTube channel.

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Under your profile picture at the top right, select Your channel.
  3. Click Customize channel.
  4. At the bottom, click Add a section.
  5. Under "Content," use the drop-down menu to select the type of content you want to appear in your section.
    • Videos: Choose to highlight popular videos.
    • Uploads: Choose to highlight posted videos and live streams.
    • Playlists: Choose to add a dedicated section from your playlists.
    • Channels: Choose to highlight featured channels.
  6. Click Done.

Edit a YouTube section

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Under your profile picture at the top right, select Your channel.
  3. Click Customize channel.
  4. Hover over the section you want to edit and click Edit.
  5. In the edit screen, change the content and layout of the section.

Reorder sections on your YouTube channel

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Under your profile picture at the top right, select Your channel.
  3. Click Customize channel.
  4. Hover over the section you want to edit.
  5. In the top right of the section, click the up or down arrow to move the section above or below other sections.

Get more YouTube ideas for showcasing your best content with channel sections.

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